Where the road may lead.
Instead of wondering what is around the corner, remember to slow down and enjoy the view from where you are for a while. Sideling Hill Welcome Center Hancock, MD
A pair of big horn sheep lambs in Custer State Park in South Dakota.
Walk on the beach
This image of the gull was taken at Bar Island Maine. While the tide is out, we were able to walk across the land bridge to the island. The gulls were also taking advantage of the low tide to hund for food.
A creative approach to photographing a tiger at the Peoria Zoo. I love the colors of the tigers, but I wanted to show more than orange, white and black strips. I felt that showing the tigers face in black & white would allow the viewers to see the emotions of the tiger.
Bison bad hair day
This bison was definitely having a bad hair day on the day this image was taken. This image was capture at Wildlife Prairie Park near Hanna City Illinois
Wondering Stripes
This zebra was photographed at the St. Louis zoo.
Steps of Time
While walking near Chillicothe, Illinois, we found these old iron steps that had been overcome by the trees and years of growth. Some of the trees have bricks inside embedded within them.
Snowy Day
These two trees are usually in the middle of a marsh. However, on this day, Banner Marsh (near Canton, IL) was frozen and the falling snow made for an amazing backdrop and ground cover.
Bridge Between Fields
This bridge is in a farmers field in Peoria County in Illinois. We were driving to the apple orchard and saw this off the road. I immediately knew it would be a black and white image even though it was fall and the colors were bright.
Lost Bobber
A bobber hanging in dead tree.