A lioness photographed at the St. Louis zoo.
Tree Frog
Sometimes a simple image can turn into so much more. I captured this image on a pot in our back yard in Alabama with my cellphone and it has become one of my favorites.
Slow and Steady
I spotted this little turtle crossing the walking path in Guntersville, Alabama.
Camouflage Sheep
A pair of big horn sheep hiding from the mid day heat in the shadows of the Badlands National Park in South Dakota.
White Tail in grass
This image was capture in Custer State Park in South Dakota. The purple flower caught my attention in the image and soft colors really made love the image.
A pair of big horn sheep lambs in Custer State Park in South Dakota.
Big Horn Sheep - Black Hills
A famimly of big horn sheep crossing the road at sunset in Custer State park in South Dakota
Marmot on Rocks
A marmot siting on the rocks at Sylvan Lake located in Custer State Park, in the Black Hills of South Dakota
Walk on the beach
This image of the gull was taken at Bar Island Maine. While the tide is out, we were able to walk across the land bridge to the island. The gulls were also taking advantage of the low tide to hund for food.
Gull on a rock
A Herring Gull resting on a rock near Bar Island in the Mt. Dessert Narrows.